BBSKT30A.ZIP 282,435 11-21-93 BBS/door Programmer's Toolkit For TP6+
BP7-OS2.ZIP 113,170 11-11-93 Patches the Borland Pascal 7.0 compiler,units and runtime library, allowing you towrite 16-bit OS/2 programs for native OS/2text modes and even Presentation Manager!Imported from Germany 10/20/1993.
CL872M.ZIP 7,498 08-13-93 Clipper Integrated Development (Updatedallows you to write & compile S'87 code usinBorland's Integrated Development Environment(IDE). Using the Transfer feature, thisfilter processes Clipper compiler output andbuild
CTL3DPAS.ZIP 24,792 10-04-93 CTL3D.PAS and CTL3DV2.PAS are TPW units thatlets you use the libraries CTL3D.DLL andCTL3DV2.DLL from Microsoft with PASCAL.
DATEFILE.ZIP 19,768 11-08-93 DATEFILE: a simple program for generatingincremental filenames that contain today's
FAMAPI.ZIP 288,250 07-28-93 UnOfficial reverse-ported source to 16-bitFamily API calls for Borland C++ 3.x. OS/2
FASTDIR.ZIP 14,866 06-15-93 FASTDIR is a PASCAL program that will searchdirectory paths and return a linked list ofall files that match the search critera.Additionally, it can handle ARJ,ZIP,LZH,ARCand PAK archive files as if they too wered
FOYEH201.ZIP 31,687 10-04-93 TURBO PASCAL UNIT: INTERFACE TO FOYEH1.DLLsupplied with many Windows and Win-OS/2programs.
IFP1S158.ZIP 118,262 09-17-93 Pascal Source Code To Info Plus Version58
MC01.ZIP 61,522 12-04-93 Menucase 1.0, Turbo Vision menu case tool
MKMSG102.ZIP 218,927 08-15-93 MK Msg Access Source for Squish, Jam, *.Msg,Hudson, and Ezy. The included programs makup a library of routines to allow you toeasily access various message base types invery generic manner.
MT10.ZIP 87,244 01-30-94 TURBO TPU TOOLKIT! v1.0; TPU based toolkit omath functions such as inverse trigonometrichyperbolic and other functions. Accuracy to19 significant figures. For use with TurboPascal 5.5+ compilers. Functions plug in
OS2HLP.ZIP 105,638 12-08-93 Borland Pascal online help for BPOS13 units
PASWIZ14.ZIP 70,690 05-26-93 Pascal Wizard's Library v1.4 for Turbo Pasca& Quick Pascal. BCD math, mouse, kbd,joystick, music, string and math extensions,equipment info, equation solver, more.
PAVT150.ZIP 240,141 07-01-93 PAvatar v1.50; Add Avatar, ANSI, & VT-52emulations to Turbo/Borland Pascal programs.Now 30-40% faster, adds ANSI music and AdLibsound support.
PCL4P40.ZIP 70,120 10-25-93 Personal Communications Lib for Pascal PCL4Cis an asynch communications librarysupporting COM1-COM10 to 115200 baud, 4 portconcurrently, DigiBoard PC/8, INS16550,interrupt driven, RTS/CTS flow control.Includes a ter
P_ROBO31.ZIP 326,610 05-30-93 P-ROBOTS v3.1; Game for PASCAL programmers.Battle robots programmed by others in a fighwith flying missiles, shields, cloaks, andbombs. Ideal for the PASCAL "pro" orbeginner alike. Includes new "IDE" orIntegrated
QWIK71.ZIP 90,317 05-27-93 Qwik Screen Utilities v7.1 for Turbo Pascal
RMDOOR42.ZIP 74,180 09-28-93 RMDoor v4.2; Is a Turbo Pascal unit forwriting doors for such systems as TriBBS,PCBoard, Gap, Spitfire, WildCat!, RBBS, WWIVetc. Includes a TP 5.5, TP 6.0, and a TP 7.version of the RMDoor unit. Very easy touse!e
SCANH310.ZIP 76,945 08-27-93 SCANHELP v3.1; Utility to produce help filesfrom TP source code.
SEARCHBM.ZIP 8,182 06-12-93 Advanced Boyer-Morre Search for Turbo Pascal(works with array of char)
SLTPU60C.ZIP 116,311 09-17-93 Searchlight BBS Programmer's Library anddevelopment package including object code(TPU files), source code, and referencematerials for Turbo Pascal v6.0
SLTPU70C.ZIP 113,645 09-17-93 Searchlight BBS Programmer's Library anddevelopment package including object code(TPU files), source code, and referencematerials for BP/TPascal v7.0
SNPD21.ZIP 65,278 01-07-94 StaNdArd Printer-Pascal (SNAP-P) D2.1; Pascawith Objects pretty printer for DOS. Adjustmargins and capitalization to give a standarlook to your source code. Make imported codereadable, cut development costs. Simple
SOUNDPAS.ZIP 88,849 02-16-94 Pascal Source for the Player program, whichuses multimedia Windows calls to play CDs,MIDI files and WAV files. You must haveeither a CD player or a Soundcard in order tuse this program.
SPX20.ZIP 1,214,542 10-04-93 The SPX library allows Turbo Pascal 6.0 and7.0 programmers to EASILY write games in thenative 320x200x256 VGA mode. It includes althe routines needed for a game. The libraryalso includes full GUI programs to help yo
SWAG9311.ZIP 523,115 11-26-93 SWAG File SWAG9311 from the SourceWareArchival Group.ALL new snippets since last release THROUGH11/27/93, PLUS updated version of READER.EXEv2.5 and DOC files.SWAG (SourceWare Archival Group) is acollection of sour
SWAPUNT7.ZIP 29,685 06-17-93 SWAPUNIT allows you to execute a program(like the Turbo Pascal Exec procedure) withthe maximum of available memory. Just addSWAPUNIT to Uses clause and use SwapExecinstead of the standard Exec. Memorypreviously use
TDL410.ZIP 82,695 11-13-93 Turbo Development Library v4.10 for BP 7.0
TOT11.ZIP 470,947 06-08-93 TECHNOJOCK'S OBJECT TOOLKIT v1.1; With thisToolkit you can quickly and easily buildprograms sporting the latest interface stylewith pop-up dialog boxes, scroll-bars andstretchable/dragable windows. To display asorte
TPBUF11.ZIP 2,348 06-30-93 TP-BUFFER v1.1; Pascal source to use thekeyboard buffer. Read char WITHOUT wait; ReaSCAN CODE from buffer; ERASE buffer; Fulldocumentation, Public domain software
TPGOTH.ZIP 22,584 05-20-93 Turbo Pascal xamples on using vendor fonts.
TPLZH026.ZIP 22,304 08-05-93 Huffman compression Engine v0.26 for TurboPascal
TSPA3370.ZIP 107,456 08-16-93 Powerful collection of almost 200 TurboPascal 7.0 routines for text-mode programs.
TTTDEM51.ZIP 56,972 05-12-93 TECHNOJOCK'S TURBO TOOLKIT v5.10; awardwinning library of tools for Turbo Pascalprogrammers. The main focus of the Toolkit ito give programs a professional and polishedappearance. The Toolkit includes a host ofmenu
TTTSRC51.ZIP 78,403 05-14-93 TECHNOJOCK'S TURBO TOOLKIT v5.10; awardwinning library of tools for Turbo Pascalprogrammers. The main focus of the Toolkit ito give programs a professional and polishedappearance. The Toolkit includes a host ofmenu
TVGR70.ZIP 281,378 10-03-93 TVGraphic; Port of Borland's text based TurbVision to DOS graphics mode with extensions,enhancements and a pleasing graphic look. Itruns using the Borland EGA/VGA graphicsdriver and requires Turbo Vision TPU's tocom
TVTOOL2.ZIP 236,796 07-20-93 TV Tool Box V2.0 for Turbo Pascal 7.0 The TVTool Box library enhances the Turbo Visionframework for Turbo Pascal. TV Tool Boxincludes formatted data entry with inputmasks, scrolling dialog boxes, dialog boxfield loc
TWI201.ZIP 94,356 01-20-94 The Text Windowing Interface (TWI) v2.01 isBorland Pascal 7.0 Toolkit designed for anauthor to easily produce a consistant, easyto use interface. TWI includes windowing anpull down menuing procedures to produce ave
VBMS.ZIP 20,069 02-18-94 Creates a simple menu driven programs;provides powers to design the screen; helpsto improve programming skills. Pascal sourcecode and its unit are inc- luded. It isuseful for the beginners as well asprogrammers.